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What's the differences between StrengthsFinder and TraitLab?

The StrengthsFinder 2.0, also known as Gallup CliftonStrengths, is an assessment of situational themes, or strengths, related to workplace performance.

TraitLab is a platform that integrates several personality models, including a model of 24 character strengths, to help you understand your personality, career interests, interpersonal style, and unique advantages.

TraitLab includes a rich description of your unique strengths, as well as details on your personality traits, interests, and much more.
How it works

Discover your untapped strengths

Learn about your unique stack of 24 character strengths and where you naturally feel engaged and enthusiastic. Then, identify techniques to exercise and apply your top strengths in everyday life.

Unlike StrengthsFinder 2.0, TraitLab uses a strengths system that appears in hundreds of peer-reviewed research publications on well-being, personality, and psychological development.

Explore new career paths

StrengthsFinder 2.0 results are not specific to a particular career or type of occupation, making it difficult to use your results to compare potential jobs or career paths.

With TraitLab, you can easily compare your profile across hundreds of occupations, learn about your relative strengths in each of them, and better understand the trade-offs and opportunities behind different career paths.

TraitLab uses your career interest profile and occupational data to allow you to search potential career paths, while the StrengthsFinder 2.0 provides more general strength-based guidance that is not tailored to any specific occupational area.

Learn about your personality

There's a lot more to your personality than strengths. TraitLab provides an in-depth guide of your unique blend of traits, using a system of over 40 personality dimensions.

Unlike StrengthsFinder 2.0, TraitLab's comprehensive approach combines a science-based personality framework with analyses of your strengths, interests, and interpersonal style.

Powered by people

TraitLab is continuously learning and improving to give you new personality insights

20 million
2 million

What people are saying about TraitLab Plus

The details available are fascinating and have helped me on my journey of self-knowledge.

- K. R.

Engaging and educational content, simple UI, and a steady stream of insights.

- J.

I found the details of the facets provided insights beyond MBTI.

- K. S.

Very thorough examination. I appreciate the career insights. Helps me understand why some paths would work and some wouldn't ... Great work!

Satisfaction guaranteed

If you're not happy with TraitLab Plus, contact us within 7 days of your purchase and get a full refund.

Upgrade to TraitLab Plus

Explore your personality, interests, and strengths with the comprehensive analyses in TraitLab Plus.

What's included

  • Personality trait analysis (45+ traits)

  • Personality wordcloud analysis

  • Interpersonal style analysis

  • Strengths profile

  • Career interests analysis

  • Career search (700+ occupations)

  • 16 Personality type analysis

  • Enneagram type analysis

  • Monthly re-assessments

  • Shareable public profile

One payment, lifetime access

$49 USD

Learn about our refund policy

TraitLab Plus

Get crystal clear about your unique strengths.

Find Your Career Edge

Uncover your untapped personal strengths to level up in your current career, or get recommendations for surprising new career paths that fit your unique profile.

Clarify Your Strengths

Ground yourself with a deep analysis of your personal strengths, and learn how to exercise them in everyday life.

Spot Relationship Patterns

How is your personality influencing your most important connections? Learn to recognize how your characteristic interpersonal style impacts your social interactions.

Unique Personality Insights

Most assessments label you with a simple type, missing the important details that make a big impact. TraitLab analyzes over 80 dimensions so your results are one-of-a-kind, just like you.

Frequently asked questions

How is TraitLab different from other personality assessments?

Most online assessments are not based on real published research, so you can't connect your results to useful information about habits, career choices, relationships, and other practical aspects of your life.

TraitLab uses assessments and concepts from actual scientific research, then makes it easy to see how your results relate to important life areas.

How long is the TraitLab test?

Most people will start seeing their first results after about 10 minutes (about 100 questions).

If you want to see every possible result from TraitLab, the full assessment can take anywhere from 30-90 minutes. However, you can always save your progress and take the assessment across several sittings.

Can I retake the assessment?

Yes! With TraitLab Plus, you can reset your profile and results every 30 days from your account settings.

How can I purchase TraitLab Plus for someone else?

With your TraitLab Plus, account, you can purchase invite codes for clients, teammates, and anyone else you think might benefit from TraitLab.

Visit the Invites section, where you can send invite codes to others, see when they've been redeemed, and collaborate on assessment results.

Can I share my results with someone else?

Absolutely! If you want to share and compare your results with anyone, you can simply share your public profile.

For example, here's my own public profile here at TraitLab.

Who made TraitLab?

TraitLab was created by me, Greg Park, PhD.

I have a question about ...

I'm always updating TraitLab to make it more useful and interesting. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please let me know. I'd love to hear from you!

Discover your personality. Create your TraitLab account today.