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How to invite someone to TraitLab Plus

Share the full TraitLab Plus experience with Invites

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With TraitLab’s Invites, sharing the full TraitLab Plus experience has never been easier. This system allows you to purchase invites for others, giving them immediate access to a fully upgraded, pre-paid account.

Who can benefit from this?

  • Managers: Offer your team insights into their own and each other’s strengths and personalities.
  • Coaches: Kickstart your client’s journey with a comprehensive onboarding assessment.
  • Couples: Explore and compare your results for deeper understanding of each other.

How it works

1. Log In: Sign in to your TraitLab account and navigate to the Invites section via the top menu.

2. Purchase Invites: Click on the Buy invites button to purchase as many invitations as needed.

A screenshot of the buy invites button within TraitLab's Invites menu
Add invites to your account

3. View Available Invites: After purchase, your available invites will be listed as Unsent.

A screenshot of an unsent invite
Unsent invites are ready to be shared

4. Send an Invite: Click Send an invite to let TraitLab handle the delivery. Just enter the recipient’s name, email, and an optional personalized message.

A screenshot of a new invitation
Add the recipient details and send your invite

5. Track Status: Once sent, the invite will show as Pending. You can cancel any pending invite if you change your mind, reverting it back to Unsent.

A screenshot of a pending invite
Your pending invites show which invites have been sent but not yet accepted

6. Confirm Acceptance: The recipient receives an email from TraitLab to redeem their account. Upon acceptance, the status changes from Pending to Accepted.

A screenshot of an accepted invite
Accepted invites show who accepted your invite and when their account was created

The built-in system not only simplifies tracking but also confirms when invites are sent and accepted.

Alternative Invitation Methods

You’re not limited to the built-in invitations. Feel free to copy the invite codes from Unsent to your preferred communication tool like email, Slack, or Teams.

  • Direct Link Sharing: Use the Copy Link button to grab a shareable link.

  • Compose Email: Use Compose Email to draft an pre-written email with the invite link using your default email provider (e.g., Gmail, Apple Mail, Outlook).

A screenshot of alternate invitation methods
Alternatively, you can share your invite as a link or through your preferred email program
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