How does TraitLab compare to the Enneagram of Personality?
The Enneagram is a popular personality model that classifies people into one of nine personality types. For more details on this model, see "What is the Enneagram?" on the TraitLab blog.
There's no "official" Enneagram test. The Enneagram is just one way of describing the personality differences between people, and many people have created tests or methods for judging a person's Enneagram type.
TraitLab is a personality assessment platform that gives you a comprehensive analysis of your personality, strengths, and career interests.
An Enneagram type can only tell you the most basic details about your personality patterns. Millions of people share the same Enneagram type and differ in their personality traits, career interests, and strengths.
TraitLab measures over 80 different dimensions of your personality to give you a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive report of what makes you unique.
While the Enneagram typology provides a general description of personality, it does not easily translate to the wide range of possible occupations and their relative demands.
With TraitLab, you can easily compare your profile across hundreds of occupations, learn about your relative strengths in each of them, and better understand the trade-offs and opportunities behind different career paths.
TraitLab identifies your most potent character strengths, then suggests ways to exercise these strengths in your daily life.
Unlike the Enneagram, TraitLab goes beyond a broad description of your personality and translates it into more practical character strengths, useful in personal and professional contexts.
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With the comprehensive results in TraitLab Plus, you're bound to learn something new about yourself.
In fact, if you don't have at least one "A-ha!" moment — one new insight about yourself and your personality within 7 days of your purchase — you'll get a full refund.
Refunds are limited to first-time purchases only.
TraitLab is an online personality assessment platform that provides detailed, research-backed insights into your personality traits, strengths, and interests.
TraitLab helps individuals understand themselves better and make informed decisions about personal development, relationships, and career paths.
TraitLab uses scientifically validated questions from decades of psychological research to create a comprehensive profile of your personality, strengths, and interests.
After completing the assessment, you'll receive detailed reports about several aspects of your personality and how they influence different areas of your life.
You can sign up for a free account to complete the personality assessment and access some of your results. Unlocking the full results requires purchasing the paid version, TraitLab Plus.
TraitLab Plus includes seven detailed reports: Personality Traits, Strengths, Career Interests and Matches, Interpersonal Style, Personality Wordcloud, 16 Personality Typology, and Enneagram Typology.
You can learn more about the results in the TraitLab Plus.
Most people will start seeing their first results after about 10 minutes (about 100 questions).
If you want to see every possible result from TraitLab, the full assessment can take anywhere from 30-90 minutes. However, you can always save your progress and take the assessment across several sittings.
Most popular online personality tests suffer from poor reliability and validity, meaning your results will be inaccurate and inconsistent over time.
TraitLab prioritizes high accuracy, reliability, and validity over speed. TraitLab achieves this through asking several rounds of questions about increasingly nuanced aspects of your personality. Each round increases reliability and removes error and noise from your personality profile.
Yes! With TraitLab Plus, users can reset their profiles and retake the full assessment every 30 days.
Yes! All TraitLab accounts (free and paid) include a public profile for sharing your personality insights with others.
TraitLab Plus costs $29. Local taxes may apply.
TraitLab Plus is a one-time payment that grants lifetime access to the full TraitLab assessment and results. There is no subscription service, and there are no recurring fees or payments.
Yes! If you purchase TraitLab Plus and aren't happy, you can receive a full refund by contacting within 7 days of your purchase. Refunds are limited to first-time purchases only.
With your free TraitLab account, you can purchase invite codes for clients, teammates, and anyone else you think might benefit from TraitLab.
Visit the Invites section, where you can send invite codes to others, see when they've been redeemed, and collaborate on assessment results.
TraitLab’s assessments are based on peer-reviewed research and validated psychological methods. While no test is perfect, TraitLab provides a highly accurate and nuanced understanding of your personality compared to most online tests.
Unlike many popular personality tests, TraitLab was designed by a research Ph.D., based on the tools and techniques used in modern personality science.
TraitLab goes beyond surface-level descriptions and offers a more advanced, detailed, and quantitative analysis of your personality, strengths, and interests.
Yes! TraitLab prioritizes your privacy. Your responses are stored securely, and TraitLab does not share data with any other services. You are the only person who decides whether to share your results with others.
Yes! You can delete your account at any time. In your account settings, you can request an account deletion and your account will be scheduled for deletion after a grace period. If you prefer immediate deletion, simply contact
TraitLab is ideal for adults looking to understand themselves better, explore personal development opportunities, improve relationships, or gain career guidance.
TraitLab is also great for professionals in coaching, counseling, or team-building contexts.
Yes, TraitLab is excellent for team-building and professional development within company settings.
If you want to use TraitLab for your team or company, you can read more about team purchases or contact for details.
Contact with any product or support questions.
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