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Personality Profile | keen-lion-741


This free profile describes keen-lion-741 through their placement on the Big Five personality dimensions.

Personality Traits

Below are estimates of keen-lion-741's placement on five broad personality traits, known as the Big Five in personality research:

Each personality dimension is described by a best estimate and a margin of error.

The best estimate is a single number (between 1 and 99) that describes how keen-lion-741 compares to other people who answered the same questions. The higher the number, the higher keen-lion-741 scored on this trait compared to other people on TraitLab.

The margin of error describes the reliability of the best estimate. A highly reliable estimate will have a small, narrow margin of error, while a less reliable estimate will have a bigger, wider margin of error. Estimates become more reliable by answering more questions.

Openness to Experience

Very Low Low Average High Very High 88 Best estimate 74 96 Traditional Conventional Curious Imaginative

Based on their answers so far, our best estimate of their level of Openness puts them at the 88th percentile. In other words, they scored higher than 88%, or lower than 12%, of other people. This estimate will vary as they answer additional questions, and their true value is likely somewhere between the 74th and 96th percentiles.

Interpretation for keen-lion-741

You are higher than most people on the Openness to Experience dimension.

As a highly open person, you crave new experiences and enjoy learning about different points of view.

You are likely deeply curious about a wide range of topics, and you may occasionally get lost when diving into a new subject, hobby, or intellectual pursuit.

You may be eager to escape from familiar sights and routines, and you often defy conventional norms or ways of thinking.

In the world of ideas and feelings, you are adventurous. You are unusually sensitive and aware of your own emotions and patterns of thought. You feel a need to consistently expand your perspective and often reflect deeply on your past experiences.

You have a high tolerance for ambiguity and an appreciation for complexity. While some people prefer things to be merely black or white, you are very comfortable with shades of grey.


Very Low Low Average High Very High 17 Best estimate 7 35 Impulsive Spontaneous Organized Systematic

Based on their answers so far, our best estimate of their level of Conscientiousness puts them at the 17th percentile. In other words, they scored higher than 17%, or lower than 83%, of other people. This estimate will vary as they answer additional questions, and their true value is likely somewhere between the 7th and 35th percentiles.

Interpretation for keen-lion-741

You are lower than most people on the Conscientiousness dimension.

If possible, you avoid creating detailed plans and scheduling your time. You prefer to improvise and live in the moment rather than be overly organized.

You occasionally set long-term goals (e.g., schooling, career, or health goals), but you often change your plans soon afterward. You may feel that planning too far into the future is not practical. Instead, you tend to focus on the present and short-term goals.

While you are familiar with most socially-accepted norms, rules, and behaviors, you are more comfortable breaking them than most other people.


Very Low Low Average High Very High 67 Best estimate 45 84 Quiet Reserved Assertive Enthusiastic

Based on their answers so far, our best estimate of their level of Extraversion puts them at the 67th percentile. In other words, they scored higher than 67%, or lower than 33%, of other people. This estimate will vary as they answer additional questions, and their true value is likely somewhere between the 45th and 84th percentiles.

Interpretation for keen-lion-741

You are higher than most people on the Extraversion dimension.

You enjoy actively engaging with other people. You are at ease starting a conversation, speaking up in a group, and being the center of attention.

You gravitate towards stimulating environments, and do not shy away from loud, busy, or crowded spaces.

You tend to experience positive emotions, like joy and excitement, more frequently and more intensely than most people.

In group situations, you are often more enthusiastic than most, and you may notice that you speak more loudly, laugh and smile more often, and are more willing to share your feelings.


Very Low Low Average High Very High 25 Best estimate 10 48 Demanding Argumentative Polite Empathetic

Based on their answers so far, our best estimate of their level of Agreeableness puts them at the 25th percentile. In other words, they scored higher than 25%, or lower than 75%, of other people. This estimate will vary as they answer additional questions, and their true value is likely somewhere between the 10th and 48th percentiles.

Interpretation for keen-lion-741

You are lower than most people on the Agreeableness dimension.

You tend to go your own way, even if it means upsetting people. You are comfortable with interpersonal conflicts, and you feel at ease when speaking up and disagreeing with others. You prefer to be blunt and direct, and you rarely sugarcoat your words.

You stick to your convictions and point of view, and you rarely change them for the sake of "fitting in". You do not mind holding or expressing an unpopular point of view.

When making decisions, you prioritize your feelings and goals, rather than those of other people. When thinking about other people, you may consider how to navigate around their feelings or how you might persuade them to act or feel differently. However, you rarely get too caught up in others' emotions.


Very Low Low Average High Very High 73 Best estimate 57 85 Relaxed Resilient Tense Sensitive

Based on their answers so far, our best estimate of their level of Neuroticism puts them at the 73rd percentile. In other words, they scored higher than 73%, or lower than 27%, of other people. This estimate will vary as they answer additional questions, and their true value is likely somewhere between the 57th and 85th percentiles.

Interpretation for keen-lion-741

You are higher than most people on the Neuroticism dimension.

Compared to most people, you are more likely to feel negative emotions, like sadness, anxiety, and anger. You generally feel these emotions more intensely than most people, too.

You tend to worry and imagine the various ways that things could go wrong. You also ruminate on your past decisions and wonder whether you did or said the right thing.

You are highly reactive to stress. Stressful events can easily disrupt several areas of your life, such as your thinking, eating, and sleeping. You are more susceptible to anxious or depressed moods, and you may take longer than others to bounce back.