The wordcloud below shows over 50 words used to describe people with similar Big Five personality dimensions as a typical ISTP. Larger words describe the more prominent aspects of ISTPs.
Adjectives used to describe ISTPs
Because ISTPs tend to be more introverted and have less social enthusiasm, others sometimes describe them as aloof, withdrawn, reserved, quiet, or shy.
Many ISTPs are less agreeable on average, so at times others may see them as cynical, terse, curt, insensitive, or demanding.
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20 adjectives for describing the ISTP personality type
Below are the definitions (credit: of 20 adjectives that are usually good descriptions of the ISTP personality type.
skeptical: Having, or expressing doubt; questioning
cynical: Skeptical of the integrity, sincerity, or motives of others
aloof: Reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant; standoffish
detached: Having or showing no bias or emotional involvement; disinterested; not influenced by anyone else; characterized by an impersonal objectivity; impartial
curt: Brief or terse, especially to the point of being rude
terse: Brief, concise, to the point
blasé: Unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity
demanding: Requiring hard work, endurance, or patience from others
withdrawn: Requiring hard work, endurance, or patience from others
impractical: Not practical; Preferring idealism over effectiveness or applicability
insensitive: Expressing or feeling little or no concern, care, compassion, or consideration for the feelings, emotions, sentiments, or concerns of other people; inconsiderate or incompassionate
untalkative: Unwilling to talk; taciturn; refusing to speak
unsystematic: Not systematic; Inclined to avoid planned, ordered procedures
uninquisitive: Not inquisitive; incurious, not inclined to seek knowledge
indirect: Not direct; Not involving the quickest, shortest, or most convenient path
prideless: Without pride; humble
self-critical: Capable of criticizing oneself; able to find mistakes and possibilities for improvement in one’s own work
predictable: Able to be predicted; steady, reliable
unemotional: Reasoned and objective, involving reason or intellect rather than feelings
unconventional: Not adhering to convention or accepted standards