Among the more introverted types, INFPs stand out by their blend of high openness and lower conscientiousness. This combination of deep interests and a more carefree, spontaneous style can lead others to describe them as unconventional, impractical, artistic, creative, and eccentric.
The wordcloud below shows the top 100 words used to describe INFPs. Bigger words describe the more prominent aspects of INFPs.
Adjectives used to describe INFPs
Others can perceive one person’s strength as a weakness, too. INFPs may struggle with the perception that they are too spontaneous and unsystematic, to the point that some see them as dramatic, sensitive, unruly, or mischievous.
As most INFPs tend to be on the more introverted side, others may perceive their quiet nature as guarded, deep, secretive, and intellectual. INFPs also tend to be less socially assertive, and described by others as tactful, unaggressive, or even timid.
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20 adjectives for describing the INFP personality type
Below are the definitions (credit: of 20 adjectives that are usually good descriptions of the INFP personality type.
unconventional: Not adhering to convention or accepted standards
unsystematic: Not systematic; Inclined to avoid planned, ordered procedures
impractical: Not practical; Preferring idealism over effectiveness or applicability
contemplative: Inclined to contemplate; introspective and thoughtful; meditative
introspective: Examining one’s own perceptions and sensory experiences; contemplative or thoughtful about oneself
inner-directed: Tending to follow one’s own rules rather than those of society
uncompetitive: Favoring cooperation over competition; Not competitive
unaggressive: Not aggressive; peaceable; not violent
meditative: Thoughtful; pensive
deep: Of penetrating or far-reaching intellect; not superficial; thoroughly skilled; sagacious; cunning
self-critical: Capable of criticizing oneself; able to find mistakes and possibilities for improvement in one’s own work
melancholic: Filled with or affected by melancholy—great sadness or depression, especially of a thoughtful or introspective nature
individualistic: More interested in individual people than in society as a whole; Having idiosyncratic behaviour or ideas
indirect: Not direct; Not involving the quickest, shortest, or most convenient path
eccentric: Deviating from the norm; behaving unexpectedly or differently; unconventional and slightly strange
devil-may-care: Carefree, reckless, irresponsible
idealistic: Of or pertaining to an idealist or to idealism, someone whose conduct stems from unrealistic or impractical idealism rather than practicality
imaginative: Having a lively or creative imagination
complex: Not simple, easy, or straightforward; complicated