See how the ESFP's personality dimensions combine to yield several remarkable patterns
Reading time: 5 minutes
Gregory Park, Ph.D.
ESFPs tend to have distinct patterns on the Big Five personality traits, and these patterns lead to a few common strengths among ESFPs.
ESFPs don’t mind occasionally showing off or causing a scene, when the mood strikes them.
ESFPs often score higher on Extraversion and lower on Conscientiousness. Together, this combines to form an unpredictable blend of thrill-seeking and rebelliousness. Most ESFPs are comfortable being at center stage and know how to use the attention to accomplish their goals.
With their combination of lower Conscientiousness and lower Openness, ESFPs will often prefer living for the here and now, rather than making detailed plans for a distant future. Their preference for the present may lead them to change their minds frequently, depending on their current circumstances.
While their spontaneous and flexible nature can make them more adaptable in the short-term, these same qualities allow them to be easily distracted while working towards longer-term goals.
ESFPs are often empathetic, sensitive to others’ pain, and optimistic about peaceful solutions to conflict.
With ESFPs’ high Agreeableness and lower Conscientiousness, they tend to trust other people’s inherent goodness. They have more faith in friendly, gentle methods of resolving differences, and often shun heavy-handed, strict, or combative approaches.
For most ESFPs, honesty is always the best policy.
With their blend of high Agreeableness and lower Openness to Experience, ESFPs tend to be highly trustworthy and highly trusting of others. They are more likely to take others at their word, and they often find it deeply uncomfortable to argue or take advantage of other people. Instead, ESFPs prefer to be themselves, openly and honestly, even if it sometimes puts them at a disadvantage.
Understanding an individual’s unique strengths requires more than just knowing a personality type or Big Five personality traits. Even among ESFPs, every person has their own set of strengths that they use when they are at their best.
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